Springs – Very important feature of any landscape. A spring is a point where groundwater flows out from the ground, at the point where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface. Depending upon the water source, a spring may be ephemeral (intermittent) or perennial (continuous). In tropical climate, monsoon of 3 - 4 months & a dry period of 6 – 8 months, perennial water sources like springs are very important. It is the most reliable source of water & has been traditionally used. Location of a spring can be in a stream or river, on mountain slope or in a valley.
Apart from its source & ground strata, spring's water yield depends upon presence of good vegetation. Many times, perennial springs are associated with well protected climax vegetation.
Perennial springs make a stream or river flow for longer period after monsoon stops; it also provides water to wells. In mountains, springs are most valuable source of water. Local communities & non-human beings depend on them for domestic & drinking water. Minerals get dissolved in the water as it moves through the underground rocks, & emerge as spring; such water gets packed into bottles under brand name – ‘Mineral water'.
** At certain places spring water has temperatures little or much higher than the surroundings. Such springs are called as ‘ hot springs '. It is a spring produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater from the earth's crust. As heated water can hold more dissolved solids, those have a very high mineral content. Such springs are known to have remedial properties for diseases like skin disease and have become popular tourist destinations & rehabilitation clinics. Interestingly, Maharashtrian coastal belt have many such ‘ Hot springs '.
This important resource ‘Springs' get affected by many human activities like cutting of forest patches, soil erosion, blasting for roads, wells, construction, pollution in source region, alteration in streams & rivers. These springs can be saved just by knowing their presence in the landscape & giving good protection to the location. We need to conserve and restore such areas. Richer the springs ... richer the waters … richer the life !