Dear Nature Lovers,
Greetings from oikos !
Conservation can also start by growing our own food !
Whatever food is sold in cities, necessarily comes from rural areas.
This involves huge transport and many other pollution causing processes.
And it comes with chemicals !
Why not to reduce it by doing our bit ?
Simple way is to have kitchen garden... परसबाग...
If you own a bungalow, many food crops can be grown.
The same can be watered by diverting kitchen waste water !
If you have small space like balcony or a gallery,
You can still grow many vegetables in pots or trays.
If you don’t have even a gallery, grow at least a chili plant in a sunny window !
This way we would not only reduce pressure on existing systems,
but also would be able to consume organic, chemical free, fresh vegetables…
at a very small price..
Though with an additional effort... which would keep you healthy ! |