Dear Nature Lovers,
Greetings from oikos !
It’s not only “living beings” who needs conservation…
But also “non living elements”, due to which life is supported.
It’s the geography which decides distribution of plants n animals.
Physical features i.e. hill, slope, valley etc. shapes ‘habitats’.
Habitats are composed of various non living elements like soil, water.
So in an area current status of non living factors shape the biodiversity.
Let’s look at WATER with an ecological perspective.
Water scarcity is increasing day by day.
Is it a scarcity of ‘water’ or scarcity of ‘fresh water’ ?
Both scarcities vary as per region and ‘land use’ !
Scarcity of water in dryer parts needs to be tackled through conservation of water.
And scarcity of fresh water needs to be tackled through reducing pollution of water sources.
We can achieve both with much less expense !!
Just by conserving & maintaining “natural functioning” of water sources !!!
Streams and Rivers has two main characters FLOW and FLOOD
along with others like purification of water, mixing of nutrients, making it potable …
All these services has potential to make life of humans possible without expense !
But it’s our modern developmental concepts which are destroying these services.
It would be surprising to all of us to know a fact about water supply to New York city….
USA government denied spending $ 8 billion for filtration plant to treat polluted water
And instead they spent $ 1.5 billion to restore the watershed and natural functioning of river
And continued to get assured supply of purified fresh water to entire New York city !!
If we wish to overcome increasing scarcity we need to –
Look at river as an ecosystem
Understand its needs
Restore its functioning
Conserve its source
Conserve its catchment
Protect its banks
Stop disposing wastes |