Services > Ecological Planning
Based on the year round ecological assessment, Ecological Planning for the land is developed. Though it is shaped based on future expectations from the land, it is basically to boost up the natural systems on the land. Ecological planning assures to protect health of basic resources like soil and water and tries to enhance the status of biodiversity on the land.
There are two types of approaches for ecological planning. One is purist approach wherein aim is to restore the original ecosystem without any commercial expectations or gains from the land. And the other approach is integrated approach wherein certain gains are expected from the land and ecological principles are integrated within the same development.

Ecological Restoration
Ecological restoration is to bring back the original or obvious condition of the land or ecosystem. Here degraded ecosystems are revived with the help of certain restoration principles and techniques.
Ecological assessment of the land and Reference ecosystem helps to define the goal and design the restoration plan. Restoration techniques like Loose boulder bunds to arrest soil and moisture, Protection to grasses to improve biomass, Dry fence and live hedge for protection also serving as habitat for birds for nesting work well in any degraded land.
Key for Ecological Restoration
Protect site
Reduce temperatures
Check erosion
Increase moisture
Protect pioneers
Conserve safe sites
Attract micro fauna
Recreate habitats
Check effluents
Develop hedges
Manage invasive
Grow Natives

Ecological Master Planning
Any project, be it an acre or hundreds, need space allocation considering the future use, which can be defined using current ecological observations.
Ecological master planning respects the existing biodiversity and natural systems on the land. It actually tries to enhance its status and establish some connectivity all over the land and establish corridors being part of the larger landscape.
For example, a stream network within land, if protected along with its riparian zone, assures connectivity or a road should not fragment a good forest patch and it may not be a good idea to build a house near an old growth tree teeming with wildlife, which may get displaced due to noise or light.

Eco-tourism Destination Development
Eco-tourism is a responsible tourism that emphasizes enjoyment with and NOT at the cost of natural cycles, resources and species. Developing new tourist destinations will help restoration of degraded land on one hand and on the other hand it will help preserve our pristine natural wealth, which is a prime need of nature conservation.
We provide service for Eco-tourism Development right from site evaluation, planning, to specialized recreation development that includes,
Identifying and developing nature trails with signage and landscaping.
Creating site sensitive tourist attraction places such as Nature Park, forest garden, butterfly park.
Consultancy for development of Nature interpretation center / Visitor Information Center.
Place information & interpretation: Leaflets, books, Field guides, maps, guided walks, tour or trails, Interactive displays.
Activities are designed to let visitors enjoy the nature’s beauty and let them participate in conservation and make them aware about natures systems.