Sep - 2018

Dear nature lovers,
Greetings from oikos !
River and her riparian zones help connect the various landscapes so it is called as the River Corridor. The river corridor includes both the channel and the adjacent land. The river corridor offers space for the river to overflow and meander and allows the river to maintain a condition of equilibrium. This mitigates the risks of flooding and erosion.

River corridors offer passages for movement of fauna. They serve as a migratory route, especially when the landscape is open or degraded. Studies have shown that certain migratory birds fly long distances by following rivers. This corridor is also a wind tunnel and brings cool breeze to cities.
Rivers that have been channelized, straightened or encroached upon, lose their natural equilibrium as they can no longer meander and overflow. They are thus susceptible to flooding events. In the USA, Vermont state has initiated a campaign called ‘Flood Ready Vermont’, which aims to delineate and protect their river corridors.
A corridor is the space in which streams and rivers WILL move, and thus protection of the corridor is the fundamental strategy which can offer protection to human lives and property, and maintain water quality, habitats and the economic value of our streams and rivers.
Ketaki & Manasi
With Team oikos !

Reference :
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Oikos for ecological services
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